On Thursday June 28th, the Supreme Court issued a unanimous decision in Groff v. DeJoy, a case brought by an Evangelical Christian rural letter carrier who sued the USPS, claiming his legal rights to reasonable accommodation on religious grounds were denied under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.

Supreme Court Raises Standard on Religious Accommodation Cases
On Thursday June 28th, the Supreme Court issued a unanimous decision in Groff v. DeJoy, a case brought by an Evangelical Christian rural letter carrier who sued the USPS, claiming his legal rights to reasonable accommodation on religious grounds were denied under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.

Supreme Court rules on religious accommodation
On June 29, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its ruling in Groff v. DeJoy, in which a former rural letter carrier sued the Postal Service for failing to accommodate his request to not be assigned work on Sundays because of his religious beliefs.

UNANIMOUS Supreme Court decision in Groff v. DeJoy
The NRLCA is pleased with the Supreme Court’s unanimous decision in the Groff v. USPS case, and its refusal to grant the petitioner’s request to overrule longstanding precedent established by TWA v. Hardison. While the Union strongly supports Postal employees’ religious rights, the Court’s decision…