Delayed mail and slow hiring are causing USPS customer complaints all over the country

Delayed, missing mail draws complaint from Port Arthur resident
Some residents across Southeast Texas have some major complaints about delayed or even missing mail.

Mail delivery issue in Elizabeth getting resolved
Things are looking up for a small town with mail delivery issues stemming as far back as August of last year.

Hinesburg residents and officials frustrated by mail delivery delays
“While we are aggressively hiring across Vermont, with the unemployment rate in the state currently at 2.5%, we’re not seeing the numbers we’d like to at our hiring events,” said Steve Doherty, a regional postal official.

Local residents experience mail delays while the USPS struggles to fill positions
While many have been complaining about delivery delays, the U.S. Postal Service says there’s a bigger problem at hand.

Congressman urges postmaster general to get mail delivered in South Tahoe, investigate ‘what went wrong’
SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. — The United States Postal Service’s problems in South Lake Tahoe have grabbed the attention of a congressman who has asked the postmaster general to take immediate steps to get mail...

U.S. Rep. Angie Craig meets with postal officials in Lakeville over mail delays
Over the holidays, Joe Kittock says his home in Lakeville went more than a week at times without receiving any mail. So on Christmas, he had to give his wife and daughter empty boxes with notes inside saying their presents were still on their way.

USPS acknowledges mail delays, ‘aggressively hiring’ new carriers - KXLY
SPOKANE, Wash. — Throughout the entire month of December, irritated customers voiced their frustration with the postal service. Many not seeing their mail delivered on time. Others waiting on medication. “My mother, her medications have been arriving late too,” said Pam Marlow, a 31 year resident. S…