The Postal Service will offer four virtual job fairs for supervisory positions this year, starting in February.
Topics to be covered during the fairs include:
• The supervisory role, including responsibilities, potential career paths and how to find and apply for positions.
• How to effectively respond to knowledge, skills and abilities questions to demonstrate your qualifications.
• How to take charge of your personal development, including taking advantage of USPS resources to reach your goals. A live demonstration will be included.
The fairs are open to both career and noncareer employees and will be held on Sunday, Feb. 2, from 1 to 3 p.m. Eastern; Monday, March 3, from 7 to 9 p.m. Eastern; Sunday, April 6, from 1 to 3 p.m. Eastern; and Sunday, Sept. 7, from 1 to 3 p.m. Eastern.
Sign language interpreters and closed captioning will be available, and after each fair, participants will be able to access a recording of it and the slides shown.
To participate in a fair, employees must complete an online registration form on MyHR, part of LiteBlue.
All participants must be current Postal Service employees and attend while off the clock. Participation is voluntary.