Fri. Oct 25th, 2024

The Postal Service introduces new service standards: What it means for your ZIP code

October 22, 2024 ,

READ FULL ARTICLE AT » Save the Post Office

The Postal Service has filed a proposal with the Postal Regulatory Commission to revise the service standards for First Class Mail and other market-dominant products.

Under a new initiative called Regional Transportation Optimization (RTO), the mail at any post office more than 50 miles from one of the country’s 59 Regional Processing and Distribution Centers (RPDCs) will no longer be collected at the end of the day. It will instead be collected the next morning, when the mail is dropped off at the post office for carrier delivery. In most cases, that will add a day to the current service standard.

More than 24,300 of the country’s 33,700 post offices will be subject to the RTO initiative. Almost half the country’s population live in areas that will be impacted by RTO.

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