Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

NPMHU and USPS Sign MOU Regarding the COVID-19 Test Kit Fulfillment Pilot MHA Retention Lists

February 2, 2022


Re: Memorandum of Understanding – COVID-19 Test Kit Fulfillment Pilot MHA Retention Lists (pdf)

The parties have agreed to a new Memorandum of Understanding regarding the COVID-19 Test Kit Fulfillment Pilot MHA Retention Lists. In this MOU, the parties have agreed that MHAs hired specifically for the COVID-19 test kit fulfillment pilot outlined in the January 12, 2022, Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) may be canvassed from a retention list of another installation.  However, MHAs on the retention list of the bid cluster/installation with the annex will be exhausted prior to canvassing from another installation or utilizing employees from another craft.

If hired as a result of this canvas, the MHA will retain his/her spot on the retention list of their original installation for a period of no more than two (2) years from the date of their separation and will retain their original relative standing date if reappointed.  If the MHA declines to return to the original installation during that two (2) year period, he/she will be removed from the retention list.

The MHA will begin a new relative standing date at the new installation.  If the MHA is separated for lack of work from the new installation, he/she will also be included on the retention list of the new installation for a period of no more than two (2) years from the date of separation from the new installation. If the MHA is still on the retention list of the original installation, he/she will be included on the retention lists of both installations.

If you have any questions, please contact the National Contract Administrative Department.

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