Mail service issues are in the news every day. Below are the latest articles I found.

Postal Problems | Business owners getting bad reviews due to late, missing mail
Small business owners say postal problems aren’t only bad for business, but they worry the issues could permanently damage their reputations.

Partial results of USPS audit find shortfalls at ND postal facilities
The audit’s full results — including findings from Fargo, Grand Forks, and Dickinson — will be released in May.

Congressman Al Green demands better customer communication from USPS
Otherwise, Rep. Green said he’ll ask Congress to hold a hearing on the lack of transparency with the public regarding massive mail delays.

Congress members ‘disappointed’ by USPS response to delays, say office communicates with ‘good news’
When lawmakers asked USPS if they planned to address the public’s concerns in a town hall or have a customer service representative locate packages, they were told no, as it is “logistically impossible.”