Benjamin Franklin was named the first postmaster general by George Washington in 1775. Franklin and our Founding Fathers recognized the need for universal access to mail delivery across the country, regardless of location or status. This is smart government, filling the needs that private industry might not find profitable. If private industry decides not to serve rural America with package delivery, the USPS must.
President Donald Trump is considering privatizing the USPS. As private shipping companies are moving away from rural America, this is the opposite of what should happen. The county plow that cleared the highway in front of Meredith’s farm recently didn’t make money. The fire and police departments that would serve her during an emergency don’t make money. Neither do the public schools that serve the area. Like mail delivery, they are — and should be — a universal service that helps us all in a thriving democracy. It’s not a cost — smart government is an investment that reaps myriad rewards.