The issues and facts involved in this dispute are as follows:
The practice of allowing access to blank voter-registration cards at Unites States Postal Service (USPS) locations is long-standing, in accordance with 52 U.S.C. Code 20506 and many individual state election codes.
Voter registration applications can be displayed in the lobbies of all postal facilities, or at least available upon request by postal customers, depending on space availability in each postal facility.
As government offices, USPS locations should have blank voter registration application forms readily available for community members, at all times, and allow non-partisan volunteers to donate blank applications to USPS locations, as needed.
Voter registration form displays have routinely been approved by postmasters and installation heads.
The forms are covered under election mail, not political mail, meaning it is nonpartisan, serving as binding the country in authorizing universal service. Post offices are in over 31,000 locations all over the country, rural or urban, and are accessible to everyone in the United States. This is one of many reasons for the importance of maintaining retail post office locations throughout the country.
Many citizens don’t have access to public libraries or government buildings, while post offices allow voters to easily obtain voter registration forms, allowing them to vote by mail or in-person, and to complete the change of address form to update their registration.