Tue. Dec 24th, 2024

USPS – Reset your password yet?

June 15, 2022


The Postal Service recently announced that employees must reset their self-service profile (SSP) password to comply with the organization’s new security requirements and to avoid disruptions to their access.

An SSP password allows employees to access several websites and applications that provide important personal information, including LiteBlue, PostalEASE and ePayroll.

To reset your password, go to LiteBlue, then select “password recovery” and follow the prompts. Next, log in again to verify account access.

New passwords must be at least 15 characters in length. In addition, the following two rules will apply to SSP passwords:

• The last five passwords cannot be reused.

• The password cannot contain the employee’s first name, last name or employee identification number.

The Postal Service is also reminding employees that the organization constantly monitors its network and applications.

Access to accounts that exhibit unusual or suspicious activity may be restricted until the activity can be verified with the employee.

Employees will be notified by U.S. Mail and at their personal e-mail address (if provided within the SSP application) if the organization has concerns about a postal account’s activity.

The Postal Service will not initiate contact related to an employee’s account by phone, postal e-mail address, text message or social media.

The CyberSafe at USPS Blue page has additional information on password security.

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