Mon. Mar 3rd, 2025

USPS OIG – Delivering for America Oversight Strategy

READ FULL ARTICLE AT » Office of Inspector General OIG

The OIG is committed to assessing the service, financial, sustainability, and labor impacts of network changes related to the Postal Service’s 10-year Delivering for America (DFA) plan.


In March 2021, the Postal Service announced the DFA, outlining significant changes to many aspects of its operations. These changes include redesigned processing, transportation, and delivery networks, and more than $40 billion in increased investments between fiscal years (FYs) 2021 and 2030. As such, oversight of DFA initiatives is a big focus of our work.

Our Work

The chart above highlights our recurring areas of focus around DFA oversight. We are assessing Postal Service network changes and whether those changes streamline delivery and reduce transportation costs, as planned in the DFA. We are examining how these changes impact Postal Service finances, its workforce, and the roll out of an electric vehicle fleet, all with a continued focus on how these many changes effect service to America.

Here are few of our recent audits on our DFA oversight work:

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