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USPS Moves to Loosen Some Ethics Rules for Employees

March 16, 2022

READ FULL ARTICLE AT » www.fedweek.com

The USPS has moved to loosened some of the ethical restrictions on outside activities its employees, saying that it has concluded that some of them are “unduly restrictive” especially given the growth in its part-time and nonpermanent employees.

Rules proposed in the March 8 Federal Register, with the concurrence of the Office of Government Ethics, would among other things:

* rescind a ban on employees engaging in outside employment or business activities with or for persons, including the employees themselves, engaged in the manufacture of any uniform, or other product required by the Postal Service for use by its employees or customers. Advance approval from the Postal Service’s ethics office still would be required for certain positions “in which impartiality and objectivity concerns are most likely to arise.”

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