Fri. Mar 7th, 2025

USPS Issues Craft Determination, High Output Parcel Sorter (HOPS)

August 18, 2023

READ FULL ARTICLE AT » National Postal Mail Handlers Union

We enclose a copy of an August 18, 2023 letter, just received in the National Office, that sets forth the Postal Service’s determination of craft jurisdiction for employees operating the High Output Parcel Sorter (HOPS). The HOPS processes machinable packages up to 25 pounds and a size up to 15”x18”x22. The HOPS is currently deployed in several facilities throughout the country and will be installed in many of the RPDC that are being planned.

As set forth in the attached letter, the Postal Service has determined that all jurisdictional assignments on the HOPS will be awarded to the Mail Handler craft except for the function of Keying or Facing on the Reject Lane.

The National Office will begin the process of disputing the craft jurisdiction awarded to the Clerk craft through the RI-399 Update MOU.

Should you have any questions about this letter or its implementation in any particular facility, please contact the National CAD.  Please note that, as stated in the USPS letter, any HOPS machine that currently is operational should be adjusting assignments, if necessary, within 90 days from the August 18, 2023 date of the USPS letter, and this jurisdictional determination will go into effect no sooner than 45 days from the August 18, 2023 date of the USPS letter.

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