Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

USPS falls short on pay requirements for managers, supervisors, federal appeals court finds

March 1, 2022

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A federal appeals court finds the Postal Service isn’t meeting legal requirements to ensure managers and supervisors are paid close to what they could make in the private sector, and ensure their compensation is higher than what the employees they oversee earn.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, in a ruling last week, also determined that the National Association of Postal Supervisors (NAPS) is able to represent nearly all USPS supervisors and managers, regardless of whether the agency classifies them as field, area or headquarters employees.

The decision puts NAPS one step closer to representing a broader swath of the 49,000 USPS supervisors, managers, postmasters, and other professional and administrative workers that fall under its Executive and Administrative Schedule (EAS).

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