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USPS employee says Kansas City co-worker used racial slurs, threatened her with knife

June 7, 2022

READ FULL ARTICLE AT » The Kansas City Star

A U.S. Postal Service employee in Kansas City says in a recently filed lawsuit that she endured years of racist threats and sexual harassment from a co-worker that effectively went unchecked by supervisors who were aware of the situation and did nothing.

Kimberly Jackson, an employee of the postal service since 1997, was repeatedly called a “Black b—-” and a “lazy” N-word by a man she worked with in a USPS facility at Kansas City International Airport between 2016 and 2019, according to the lawsuit.

That harassment later escalated to the man threatening her with a knife in a dark hallway for being a “snitch” when she told her bosses, the complaint says.

The lawsuit was filed Friday in the U.S. Court for the Western District of Missouri, naming as defendants Postmaster General Louis Dejoy and the USPS. A spokesman for the USPS in Kansas City declined to comment, saying the allegations were currently under investigation.


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