Sun. Mar 9th, 2025

USPS DMM Revision: Parcel-Processing Categories Simplification

September 5, 2024

Effective November 4, 2024, the Postal Service™ will revise Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®), in various sections, to reflect the Postal Service simplifying parcel-processing categories.

The Postal Service is removing from the “machinable” processing category the minimum-size dimensions requirement and, except for USPS Marketing Mail parcels, the minimum-weight requirement. Except for cylindrical tubes and rolls or similar-shaped pieces, and for labeling requirements in Publication 52, Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail, the minimum size of a machinable parcel will be determined by if the parcel is large enough to hold the following required items on a single optical plane without bending, folding, or overlapping:

Delivery address;

Return address;

Mailing labels;



Endorsements; and

Other mail markings.

All labels and markings must meet the applicable specifications (e.g., DMM; Publication 199, Intelligent Mail Package Barcode (IMpb) Implementation Guide for Confirmation Services and Electronic Payment Systems; Parcel Labeling Guide). A parcel that does not meet this requirement will be considered nonmailable. Except for USPS Marketing Mail parcels, which the Postal Service will continue to require be a minimum of 3.5 ounces to be a machinable parcel, the minimum-weight requirement for other parcels will no longer be a factor in determining machinability.

The “Nonstandard Parcels” processing category will continue to have a size and weight component that will consist of parcels that exceed the maximum dimensions of the following:

A machinable parcel;

Parcels that weigh less than the 3.5-ounce minimum weight for USPS Marketing Mail parcels only; and

Parcels that exceed the 25-pound maximum weight for a machinable parcel.

The “Nonstandard Parcels” processing category will also have a “Characteristics” component that will define the criteria that will be used to determine if a parcel is nonstandard (e.g., cylindrical tubes and rolls, packaging).

The standards of the “Characteristics” component of “Nonstandard Parcels” will be included in DMM sections 601.3.0, “Packaging,” and 601.4.0, “Acceptable Mailing Containers.”

The packaging criteria in DMM section 601.7.0, “Packaging Standards for Mail Processed at Network Distribution Centers,” will be consolidated into DMM section 601.3.0.

The Postal Service is also revising the packaging standards under DMM section 601.3.0 to include that except for hazardous, restricted, and perishable items as provided in Publication 52, all other parcel-priced pieces must be packaged in a box or other acceptable container that meets the applicable standards under DMM sections 601.3.0 and 601.4.0.

The revisions to parcel-processing categories will not affect the following products:

Priority Mail Express®.

Priority Mail®.

USPS Ground Advantage®.

USPS Connect® Local.

The revisions will result in no minimum-size dimensions requirement, and, except for USPS Marketing Mail, no minimum-weight requirements, and a nomenclature change, for parcel preparation under the following products:

Parcel Select® Destination Entry;

Library Mail;

Media Mail®;

Bound Printed Matter;

Periodicals; and

USPS Marketing Mail parcels (regular and nonprofit).

The Postal Service will revise the nonstandard Bound Printed Matter preparation standards.

In addition, the Postal Service is making minor revisions in DMM “Physical Standards” subchapters 101 (Retail Mail) and 201 (Commercial Mail) to remove redundancy.

The Postal Service intends to notify the Postal Regulatory Commission of these revisions for updates to the Mail Classification Schedule in a future filing. The Postal Service also intends to revise all collateral material (e.g., Notice 123 – Price List) in a future DMM edition.

While the effective date of these standards is November 4, 2024, sack, tray, and pallet label compliance will not be required until January 19, 2025.

An article with full detailed revisions to be made to the DMM regarding these standards will be available on the Postal Explorer® website at

The Postal Service believes these revised standards will simplify the parcel-processing categories, providing mailers with a more efficient shipping process.

The Postal Service will incorporate these revisions into the next edition of the online DMM, which is available on Postal Explorer at

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