Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

UPMA – 2022 Non-Bargaining Pay Increase

September 23, 2022

READ FULL ARTICLE AT » www.unitedpma.org

UPMA has been discussing with Postal Headquarters EAS salaries, Pay For Performance, and NPA for many months. Today the long-awaited announcement that, effective September 24th, 2022, all non-bargaining employees will receive a 3% pay increase in their base (even if they are at the top of their scale) came out.

UPMA would like to thank PMG Louis DeJoy for listening to and acting on our concerns. I want to thank DPMG Doug Tulino personally; I know he was instrumental in getting this done and recognizing the hard work of UPMA members to complete the mission of the Postal Service.

This is an example of the great things that can happen when together we stay at the table, support the service where we can, and hold them accountable. UPMA can consult further to make the jobs we hold dear attractive so that we can hire and retain the best Postmasters, Supervisors, and Managers in the world.

This is a significant first step; we look forward to continued successes like this one this year and into the future.

Together We Can

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