Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

U.S. Rep. Bost questions postmaster on mail delivery problems

December 13, 2023

READ FULL ARTICLE AT » effinghamdailynews.com

My constituents rely on the United States Postal Service (USPS) to deliver their packages and mail with care and within a reasonable timeframe. However, I have received numerous reports of staffing shortages, operation issues, missing mail, and excessive delays in delivery at several USPS locations across my district, particularly in Effingham County, Illinois.

Interruptions in service mean late deliveries on medical prescriptions, important bills, business products, and correspondence from loved ones. My constituents deserve certainty in knowing that the mail they entrust USPS with — and pay for — will reach its destination.

The majority of grievances reported to my office stem from staffing and bandwidth issues. Certain positions have been left vacant for upwards of a year, including postmasters, despite individuals having applied. These vacancies burden existing employees, resulting in a lower quality of service, a backlog of mail, limited office hours, and unexpected closures.

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