Sun. Mar 9th, 2025

The Postal Service wants to remind workers that the high season for hurricanes is here

August 8, 2022


Hurricane season runs from June 1 to Nov. 30, with most storms forming after Aug. 1.

The storms can cause high winds, heavy rain, flooding and other dangerous conditions, with coastal areas most affected.

Disasters happen whether you are prepared or not, so take those few moments to get ready:

• Know your community’s hurricane plans, including evacuation routes.

• Complete a personal preparedness plan that includes a household inventory and the location of important family documents.

• Prepare your home for hurricane-force winds or flooding.

• Store enough food and water to last at least three days. One gallon of drinking water per person per day is recommended.

• Create a personal preparedness kit and include items such as hand sanitizer and disposable masks as a precautionary measure.

• Prepare a first-aid kit and make plans for pets.

• Keep contact information current using a physical address — not a PO Box — and mobile telephone number. Go to the Life Changes LiteBlue page and update your address if necessary.

If a hurricane is expected, call the USPS National Employee Emergency Hotline at 888-363-7462 (888-EMERGNC) for work schedule or reporting-time change information.

The National Preparedness Blue page has more information, including personal preparedness resources.

The National Hurricane Center and the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s also have additional information.

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