Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

Suspect arrested after attempted break in of Ceresco Post Office

October 3, 2022


-CERESCO, MI (WNWN/WTVB) – Calhoun County Sheriff’s Office deputies arrested a 26-year-old man from Battle Creek on Saturday morning after a break in was responded at the United States Postal Service Office in Ceresco.

The Sheriff’s Office reports a U.S. Postal Service Mail Carrier was in the parking lot of the the office and reported to deputies a man was attempting to break into the back door of the post office. He also indicated the suspect tried to open his passenger side door and rear hatch door of the Mail Carrier’s USPS vehicle to gain access.

Upon CCSO deputies’ arrival, they were advised the subject fled into a residence across the street from the Post Office. The exterior of the residence was checked and a back door was found to be unsecure.

While checking inside the residence, a man was located matching the description of the suspect that was provided. The suspect was taken into custody after a brief struggle with deputies. Once he was detained, the Marshall Area Fire Fighter Ambulance Authority provided medical care. The suspect was then transported to the Calhoun County Jail where he was lodged on numerous charges related to this case.

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