Sun. Mar 9th, 2025

Return to regional postal sorting centers

July 22, 2024 ,


We are not up-to-date on the rules governing the management of the Post Office, but one aspect is clear: Postmaster Louis
DeJoy should be fired immediately.

I’m not sure why President Biden and former President Trump haven’t canned DeJoy already. I would be “overjoyed!”

Look at the Atlanta mailing area in particular. We can remember back, was it about 1990?, when the Post Office built regional
centers to transfer mail from distant post offices to a central location.

Mail in northeast Georgia, for instance, was sent from local post offices to the regional sorting center off Boggs Road in
Duluth, where it was sorted and dispatched to other locations. If I am not mistaken, there were 96 loading docks at the
Duluth dispatch center.

There were similar locations in Cobb County, downtown Atlanta, Augusta and Macon, serving similar geographic areas.

Meanwhile, the postal department’s higher muckety-mucks sought ways to improve these regional postal centers. Their
plan? To combine all these dispatch centers into one giant super-regional center.

After all, bigger is better, right?

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