Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

Radcliff postal carrier recognized for coming to aid of customer

November 6, 2024

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A Radcliff postal carrier recently was recognized after she came to the aid of a customer having a medical emergency.

The Postal Service honored City Carrier Assistant Gabrielle “Gabby” Washington as a Postmaster General Hero during a presentation at the Radcliff Post Office, a news release from the U.S. Postal Service said. Washington was recognized for her actions to aid a customer in need.

While delivering her route this summer, Washington pulled into a customer’s driveway when she saw the 93-year-old U.S. Army veteran who lived alone lying on the ground.

Washington immediately ran to assist him. The customer did not want her to call emergency services, even though he was in pain, so Washington enlisted the help of his next-door neighbor.

The two discovered the man had a gash on his head and he eventually agreed to seek medical attention, the release said.

“The Radcliff postal family is proud of Gabby’s actions to help her customer and happy to recognize her efforts,” said Supervisor of Customer Services Marcedes Deans. “She is an asset to the Postal Service and this community.”

The customer has since died from long-term medical issues

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