Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

Postal Service Awards $70M Contract for Data Compliance Modernization

February 1, 2023


The United States Postal Service will modernize its data compliance and e-Discovery tools, boosting the agency’s regulatory and litigator position.

USPS awarded multi-cloud data management company Veritas Technologies an up to $70 million contract to upgrade these services with the Veritas Enterprise Vault, Merge1 and eDiscovery Platform, according to Tuesday’s announcement. The contract is for three years, but could be extended up to seven years.

“Veritas has a proud history of supporting many federal agencies,” said Kevin Youngquist, vice president for US public sector at Veritas. “We’re thrilled and confident in our ability to now also provide the US Postal Service and its legal department tools to streamline and expedite its eDiscovery workflow while reducing risk in an increasingly multi-cloud world.”


The platform will help USPS archive and retain data across its on-premises and cloud-based data sources, which will help to make sure the agency’s data is “properly captured, retained and made discoverable to efficiently address any judicial and administrative obligations.” This will help the agency better locate data and improve data oversight.

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