Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

Postal Service announces 30 more consolidations

January 12, 2024

READ FULL ARTICLE AT » Save the Post Office

The Postal Service has published notices of intent to consolidate thirty more processing & distribution centers. According to the notices, “it is highly likely” that each P&DC “will be modernized and repurposed as a Local Processing Center, a Sorting & Delivery Center, or both, consistent with the broader network redesign outlined in the DFA Plan.”

This means that the outgoing mail operation — sorting equipment and some personnel — at each of these thirty “losing” facilities will be consolidated to another P&DC. Most of the losing facilities will then be repurposed as Local Processing Centers (LPCs) that handle only incoming mail and parcels, while most of the “gaining” facilities will be reconfigured as one of the new network’s sixty Regional Processing & Distribution Centers.

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