Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

NPMHU issues 2022 Contract Update #3

July 6, 2022

READ FULL ARTICLE AT » National Postal Mail Handlers Union

You are reading the third Contract Update produced and distributed by the NPMHU during the course of 2022 negotiations. These updates, along with the Union’s magazine and monthly bulletins, will keep mail handlers throughout the country informed and involved in the issues raised during this round of bargaining.

On June 29, 2022, representatives from the NPMHU Negotiations Team and the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) met for the second session of main table bargaining at NPMHU Headquarters in the AFL-CIO building (Washington, DC). Both groups returned to the bargaining table hoping to continue the spirit of positive cooperation that had been established in the first session.

During this second substantive meeting, the NPMHU Negotiations Team presented their first set of proposed changes to the current contractual language in the 2019 National Agreement. Representatives of the USPS were given the opportunity to ask questions and to clarify any points of the NPMHU proposals that they might not have understood. President Hogrogian, acting as chief spokesperson and with the occasional assistance of CAD Representatives and NPMHU Counsel, provided USPS with details about the nature of each proposal.

The proposals presented by the NPMHU were extensive and aimed to improve the quality of work for every Mail Handler. Submitted amendments included:

  • A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Dignity and Respect
  • Updating the non-discrimination policy
  • Updating the MOU regarding deaf and hard of hearing Mail Handlers
  • Greater protections and privileges for Mail Handler Assistants (MHAs)
  •  A more efficient and effective overtime policy
  • Better regulation of management’s use of 204Bs

During the coming weeks, both the NPMHU Negotiations Team and USPS representatives, acting through various subcommittees, will address these issues and further discuss these new proposals.

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