Mail service issues are in the news every day. Below are the latest articles I found.

Postal customers still facing service delays; lawmakers appeal to postmaster general
United States Postal Service officials claim they have resolved “early transitional issues” for Southern Oregon as part of an ongoing consolidation, but state and national leaders, as well as postal

List of 10 Current Postal Service Failures - Americans for Tax Reform
The U.S. Postal Service Board of Governors, the regulator of the U.S. Postal Service, will meet Thursday as USPS leadership faces growing pushback over its overhaul of the mail network and delivery practices. The failures of the U.S. Postal Service continue to stack up as the service faces increasing pressure from its regulator as the […]

Louis DeJoy and the Crisis at USPS - Corporate Crime Reporter
Postmaster Louis DeJoy’s ten year plan for United States Postal Service (USPS) has resulted in slower mail, higher prices, and fewer hours at rural post offices. To help us understand what’s happening at the post office, we dialed up Porter McConnell of the Save the Post Office Coalition, which is hosted by Take on Wall […]