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LiteBlue issues resolved – allotment and net-to-bank changes back online

July 18, 2023

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Last week, the Postal Service again temporarily disabled the ability for employees to make allotment and net-to-bank changes online while it investigated suspected fraudulent activity against the LiteBlue application. Thankfully, what USPS thought might be criminal activity against employees’ accounts turned out to be legitimate transactions with third-party vendors that were authorized by those employees. As a result, the functionality to make allotment and net-to-bank changes in LiteBlue has now been turned back on.

Due to elevated security threats, the Postal Service implemented additional device and location security policies in LiteBlue in March 2023. These policies monitor user login activity to detect anomalies associated with known security threats, such as phishing, account takeover, etc. Specifically, the additional security policies monitor IP addresses, locations, devices, and time between attempted log-ins. Ultimately, these policies are designed to safeguard employees’ account information by blocking attempted log-ins from unrecognized devices or locations.

As a result of the new safeguards, from time to time employees are having their accounts reset or they are experiencing difficulty logging into their LiteBlue accounts. USPS states that if employees do get their account reset, they should set up multifactor authentication (MFA) from their personal devices to avoid potential issues with device and location security policies.

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