Sun. Mar 9th, 2025

HERO is Now Retired

September 5, 2024

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The HERO brand was officially retired on August 27, 2024. You can now access all content on MyHR. This allows employees to view and update HR information, perform HR tasks, and more in a centralized website for all human resources information.

When you log into MyHR (, you will have direct access to the Learning Management System, allowing you to view and complete assigned trainings, search job aids, and explore a variety of learning opportunities. You can access your assigned training directly from the MyHR homepage by selecting the “Assigned Training” application (formerly HERO) located in your “MyHR Apps.”

You can access Learning opportunities, resources, and tools in three ways:

Navigate to the “MyHR Topics” section located in the middle of the homepage and select Learning.

Use the “Employee Development” dropdown at the top of the website and choose the Learning subtopic.

Use the search bar at the top of the MyHR website to find specific topics related to Learning.

You will also find Career Development resources that include tools for creating and editing Development Plans, updating your MyHR Profile, and conducting Career Conversations. For Performance pilot participants, job aids will also be available to help you in manage your goals and access other performance-related tools.

To manage your Development Plan on the “Career Development” page:

Click Develop Myself.

Navigate to “Create My Development Plan.”

To find resources on preparing for and requesting a Career Conversation:

Navigate to the “Develop Myself” page.

Click Have a Career Conversation.

For more details, go to the “Learn More” page, which is accessible from the top of the MyHR homepage here: If you need more help, click the MyHR Support link at the bottom of any page.

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