Thu. Mar 6th, 2025

Enough is enough: USPS employee contacts News 4 as employees wait on paychecks nationwide

January 20, 2023


This USPS employee is turning to News 4, they said, as their last resort to get a timely paycheck.

They said USPS’ government portal was hacked at least two weeks ago and employees’ direct deposits were funneled into an unknown bank account.

“The hackers got all of my information, they got everything,” the USPS employee said.

The hold up, according to this victim’s bank, is that USPS can’t issue a refund until it receives money back from the banks of impacted employees.

“I asked her, I’m like am I the only one calling? She said, no hun no, there are so many postal employees it just kills use we can’t give you no information,” the USPS employee shared. “They don’t know where they sent our money, they just sent it.”

News 4 contacted USPS. In a statement they confirmed the hack:

“The U.S. Postal Service’s Inspection Service and Corporate Information Security Office were notified by the Postal Service’s Office of Inspector General of unusual log-in activity involving a limited number of employees’ accounts within the Postal Service’s PostalEASE system. The PostalEASE application has not been compromised. The unusual activity occurred due to employee interaction with “fake” websites. The Postal Service continues to take precautionary measures to prevent further unauthorized activity. We have notified affected employees, and are purchasing a 1-year credit monitoring service for them. We plan to continue investigating and monitoring the PostalEASE application on our network to mitigate the risk of unauthorized activity. The Postal Service has taken additional measures to notify employees of any changes made in the PostalEASE application.”

“That’s inaccurate,” our anonymous USPS employee said after hearing the statement read aloud. “I’m not going to agree with that.”

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