More and more, Congress is getting involved in postal issues across the country. These are what I found today.

Congressman Chuck Fleischmann says staffing shortage to blame for Soddy Daisy postal issues
To fix the issue, he says interim workers have been hired, a move that is included in the post office’s yearly budget.

Mail Fight! Senators blast the USPS over response to delivery complaints
Smith and Klobuchar say they sent letters asking the Postmaster General to take immediate steps to address the pressing concerns of Minnesotans.

With Montanans Experiencing Postal Delays, Tester Urges Biden Administration to Fix USPS Staffing Challenges - Senator Jon Tester
Senator: “It is unacceptable that folks are being asked to shoulder the burden of paying for a service that USPS is no longer able to reliably provide in rural communities”

Sens. Smith, Klobuchar decry Postal Service’s response to Minnesotans
Evidence from Minnesotans of service delays contradicts USPS’s claims; Smith, Klobuchar vow to continue to press for service improvements, safer conditions for employees.