Mon. Feb 24th, 2025

Woman finds piles of mail in KY apartment dumpster

January 3, 2023


Carter said she knew something was odd when she saw stacks of mail in her apartment dumpster.

“So when we noticed it we looked further into the dumpster and started removing the bags out of the dumpster and there was five bins of mail in the dumpster,” Carter said.

After looking through the mail that was still sealed she found important information that people have likely been waiting for like health reports, Visa cards and bank statements.

Carter immediately checked the zip codes and contacted the post office on Crums Lane and another postal location on Second Street.

She found zip codes for 40214, 40215 and medication at 40272. Carter spoke to a worker who couldn’t believe it herself.

“She said ‘what do you mean 5 bins?’ I said the actual postal boxes that are in the mail trucks are now in the dumpster,” Judy Desper, a resident who also lives in Carter’s apartment complex, said.

Carter posted about the missing mail on Facebook and was flooded with comments from people saying they hadn’t had anything delivered in weeks.

The postal service eventually came and picked up the missing mail but Carter hasn’t heard if it was ever delivered, leaving her and many others upset.

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