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Virtual fairs offered for USPS front-line supervisor job applicants

March 8, 2023

READ FULL ARTICLE AT » Focus on the Front | USPS News Link

The Postal Service is encouraging employees looking to advance their career to consider becoming a front-line supervisor.

The organization will offer four virtual career fairs for front-line supervisory jobs, to be held every other month, starting in March.

The fairs are part of Focus on the Front, an initiative that began last year to fill 2,800 Executive and Administrative Schedule Level 17 supervisory positions. About 1,100 positions have been filled so far.

Topics to be covered during the fairs include:

• How to apply, including navigating the USPS Careers page, creating an eCareer profile and effectively addressing knowledge, skills and abilities requirements;

• Interviewing tips, including best practices and how to hone interviewing skills; and

• The role of the supervisor, including an in-depth review of supervisors’ duties, responsibilities and potential career paths.

The virtual career fairs are open to both career and noncareer employees and will be held on Sundays on March 26, May 7, July 23 and Sept. 17.

Employees must complete an online registration form on LiteBlue to participate in a fair. Participants must be current USPS employees and must be off the clock to attend.

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