MICANOPY, Fla. (WCJB) – United States Postal Service (USPS) workers responded to Interstate 75 in an effort to recover mail that had spilled onto the roadway after a semi-truck flipped in the median.
“It was certainly very interesting. I think the main thing I was concerned about was how this would affect my drive,” said driver Elisa Nixon.
Traffic cameras captured the semi-truck crash on I-75 southbound at mile marker 374 near Micanopy on Wednesday morning. Lanes were blocked as emergency crews arrived on the scene.
“I was headed to Tallahassee and drove through here around 5:15. When I got to the scene of the crash, the truck was lying on its side, and traffic was already backed up for about five miles,” added driver Brian Loy.
Several postal trucks arrived at the scene to collect items that had spilled out of the overturned truck.