Tue. Sep 3rd, 2024

USPS package shipping performance faltered in 2023 peak season: report

September 3, 2024

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  • The U.S. Postal Service’s top package delivery offerings fell short of their on-time performance targets during the 2023 peak holiday shipping season, according to a report last week from the agency’s Office of Inspector General.
  • While package volume increased from the 2022 peak season, on-time scores for the agency’s Priority Mail and Ground Advantage services fell year over year. The report redacted information on the extent of the decline.
  • The Postal Service said “operational changes, severe weather, and unanticipated facility closures” impacted its performance, per an agency response included in the report. However, it added that the claim by the OIG of worse service “disregards the changes to the way service scores were calculated.”
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