Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

USPS National Dog Bite Awareness Campaign, June 2–9, 2024

May 30, 2024


Don’t let your dog bite the hand that serves you. (#dogbiteawareness)

Sponsored by the United States Postal Service®, the National Dog Bite Awareness Campaign is a public service campaign that offers safety tips and emphasizes the need for increased owner responsibility in the prevention of dog attacks.

The Postal Service™ reports that dog attacks are the most prominent threat to carriers. Last year, over 5,800 Postal Service employees were victimized by dogs. This is why we are asking you to restrain your dog when your carrier is delivering your mail.

Many of us are dog lovers, but few of us are dog experts. People who have friendly pets often expect a friendly reaction from other dogs. However, even friendly dogs will bite given the right circumstances. Dogs are primarily territorial in nature and protective of their owners and their owners’ property, which can sometimes mean attacking and possibly biting the letter carrier.

Make sure your dog is in a location away from the door when the mail carrier comes to your house. If you go outside, close the door behind you to make sure your dog doesn’t get out. If you are outside with your dog while mail is being delivered, make sure your dog is away from the mail carrier and on a leash

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