Postal worker robberies and other mail thefts are becoming a daily event. These are the ones I found today.

U.S. Postal Service, King County police departments use trackers to catch porch pirates
In the city of Newcastle, investigators placed packages with GPS trackers at doorsteps where packages have recently been taken.

Winthrop Police Department Alerts Community to Thefts and Apparent ‘Check Washing’ Scheme
Chief Terence Delehanty and the Winthrop Police Department report that the Department has received several recent reports of checks being taken out of the mail, altered, and then used fraudulently.

Lowell post office burglarized, USPS conducting investigation
Packages from the Lowell post office were stolen over the weekend, leaving some residents scrambling for last minute holiday gifts.

Mail Stolen From Postal Truck In Montclair, Car Burglaries Reported
Montclair Police Department: Someone stole mail from a U.S. Postal Service worker’s truck. Several vehicle burglaries were reported.