Postal worker robberies and other mail thefts are becoming a daily event. These are the ones I found today.

Official: Puget Sound-area mail carriers are being targeted with violence
After multiple Postal Service keys were stolen, an official representing Puget Sound-area mail carriers said they are being targeted, even with violence.

Evesham Township Police and USPS investigate mail thefts in Marlton, New Jersey
Thieves are after your hard-earned money and if you don’t pay attention it could cost you thousands.

Man in clown mask breaks into St. Albans Post Office
A Eureka man has been arrested after allegedly breaking into the St. Albans Post Office and stealing packages while wearing a clown mask.

Mail thief caught on camera using postal master key in Chicago condo building
The man can be seen early Friday morning methodically checking each of the six mail slots and taking out the mail before closing it back up.