USPS is hiring across the country. Some locations are having job fairs. Below are those I found today
Looking for a great career?
RESTON, VA — The United States Postal Service, consistently named one of the most trusted brands in America, is hiring motivated and dynamic individuals to help us Deliver for America. Right now, we are looking for new team members to join us in our mission of service to your local community.
Wyandanch Post Office to Host St. Patrick’s Day Job Fair
WYANDANCH, NY — March 17 is your lucky day. The Postal Service is looking for committed individuals across Long Island to fill immediate openings and the Wyandanch Post Office is hosting a job fair to assist applicants in the process.
Looking for a job? The Mansfield Post Office is hiring
MANSFIELD, OH — The Mansfield Post Office, 200 North Diamond Street, Mansfield, OH 44901 will host a job application workshop on March 22nd from 11:00 am until 1:00 pm to fill openings for rural carrier positions. Starting salary is $19.94 per hour.

USPS job fairs happening in Mount Pleasant, Goose Creek this month
The United States Postal Service (USPS) is hosting job fairs in Mount Pleasant and Goose Creek this month in an effort to fill immediate job openings.
USPS Announces Southern New Jersey Job Fairs
SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY — The United States Postal Service, consistently named one of the most trusted brands in America, is hiring motivated and dynamic individuals to help us Deliver for America. Right now, we are looking for new team members to join us in our mission of service to your local community.