Washington, DC - The Postmaster General’s statements about the Postal Regulatory Commission’s role during the recent mismanagement of USPS are false.
Washington, DC - The Postmaster General’s statements about the Postal Regulatory Commission’s role during the recent mismanagement of USPS are false.
The Postal Service today provided a pointed response to the Postal Regulatory Commission’s (PRC) recently published Advisory Opinion on the organization’s proposed service standard changes
Rural mail under the Delivering for America Plan will be significantly slower, according to an analysis by the Postal Regulatory Commission
The U.S. Postal Service’s plan to revamp its network received pushback from the Postal Regulatory Commission on Friday, adding further criticism to the agency’s overhaul under Postmaster General Louis DeJoy.
The Commission found that the DFA has significant problems, especially in rural areas, and it urges the Postal Service to reconsider the DFA.
The Postal Regulatory Commission voted unanimously to designate Commissioner Robert G. Taub as vice chairman of the Commission effective January 1, 2025, succeeding Commissioner Tom Day
Washington, DC – The Postal Regulatory Commission will conduct a hearing at PRC offices on December 4, 2024, at 10 am regarding planned changes to the Postal Service’s processing and…
Washington, DC – Today, the U.S. Postal Service formally requested an Advisory Opinion (N-2024-1) on specific aspects of the Delivering for America Plan.
Washington, DC – President Joseph Biden reappointed Ann C. Fisher and Ashley E. Poling as Commissioners of the Postal Regulatory Commission for new terms that expire on October 14, 2030,…
The PRC has opportunities to improve its information security program. Specifically, the PRC began to draft and implement policies, procedures, and processes to manage its information security program.