Calling all branches! Organize a March 23 rally to say “Hell no!” to dismantling the Postal Service
On Sunday, March 23, NALC branches are encouraged to host local rallies to say “Hell no!” to dismantling the Postal Service.
On Sunday, March 23, NALC branches are encouraged to host local rallies to say “Hell no!” to dismantling the Postal Service.
H.R. 1522 would allow these affected letter carriers the opportunity to purchase retirement credit for the time they spent in these non-career positions, providing greater retirement security
Today, NALC held an event on Capitol grounds to send a clear message to the White House: Hell no to dismantling the Postal Service!
President Donald Trump is preparing to dissolve the leadership of the U.S. Postal Service and absorb the independent mail agency into his administration
The parties’ ongoing dispute over terms of a new agreement will now be decided in the interest arbitration process.
SAN ANTONIO — Federal employees gathered in front of San Antonio's main post office on Tuesday to demand fair contracts for union members.
Amid this show of anger by postal workers, reporters spoke to city carriers in Brooklyn, New York, on Friday about their thoughts on the contract and the way forward
We, as postal workers, need to flex our actual power as “essential workers.” Of course, deeply reactionary federal and state laws prohibit public workers from striking.
NALC members, labor leaders, and other union members gathered to demonstrate our strength and commitment to securing what letter carriers have earned and deserve.
That’s a turnout of 48.4 percent—and more “no” votes than the total turnout of 63,452 votes for the last contract. This result is a rejection of the current national leadership…