We enclose a copy of a November 14, 2022 letter, just received in the National Office, that sets forth the Postal Service’s determination of craft jurisdiction for employees operating the Single Induction Parcel Sorter (SIPS) and the Small Delivery Unit Sorter (SDUS). The SIPS and SDUS are currently deployed throughout the country in both Function 1 and Function 4 facilities..
As set forth in the attached letter, the Postal Service has determined that jurisdictional assignments on the SIPS and SDUS should be divided between the Mail Handler Craft and the Clerk Craft similar to the determination used for the Automated Delivery Unit Sorter (ADUS). For those facilities in which Mail Handlers are present, mail handlers have been assigned in Function 1 (F1) operations to the staging of packages and equipment, to the sweeping of packages (removal of full containers and replacement with empty containers) including “sort plan switch out,” and to the transportation of full containers to dispatch. A different rule has been established for Function 4 (F4) operations.
Under the Update MOU, the National Office has precise deadlines for challenging this determination, for discussing the issues at the NDRC, and for appealing any remaining disputes to National arbitration.