WASHINGTON—The Postal Workers have launched a campaign against yet another mail slowdown plan from Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, a GOP big giver whom Donald Trump imposed on the U.S. Postal Service about four and a half years ago.
DeJoy presented his plan to the USPS board at an open meeting in early November, the only one, under new rules for such sessions, where the public and postal union members may attend. It was not clear if they were allowed to speak then.
DeJoy’s prime goal, which he buried in his speech, was to save money: $3.6 billion to $3.7 billion yearly. What he didn’t openly admit is savings would sacrifice service.
But APWU got wind of his scheme and is blowing a loud horn against it, the second time it’s had to mobilize the masses against DeJoy’s cutbacks.
Once again, the union proclaims “The U.S. mail is not for sale,” alluding to DeJoy’s real goal of cost-cutting and firing people, all in the name of profits, not service.