Thu. Sep 26th, 2024

Postal clerk Soltis honored with USPS award

September 20, 2024

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St. Joseph Post Office clerk Jill Soltis was recently honored with the “For the Long Haul” award from the United States Postal Service.

It’s an award that recognizes postal employees who have served their customers with outstanding service for more than 25 years. Her name was submitted by former St. Joseph Postmaster Tony Terwey, who is now the postmaster in the Richmond office.

So many customers throughout the years have enjoyed Jill Soltis as the cheery, pleasant and helpful St. Joseph postal clerk.

Soltis, a full-time clerk, is nearing her 30-year anniversary at the local post office.

When she first started her job, a first-class stamp cost 29 cents. At that time, the bulk of the mail was letters, but that has changed throughout the years so now there are many, many packages to be delivered.

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