Mon. Mar 3rd, 2025

NPMHU offers 2022 Contract Update #2

June 23, 2022

READ FULL ARTICLE AT » National Postal Mail Handlers Union

You are reading the second Contract Update produced and distributed by the NPMHU during the course of 2022 negotiations.  These updates, along with the Union’s magazine and monthly bulletins, will keep mail handlers throughout the country informed and involved in the issues raised during this round of bargaining.

On June 22, 2022, representatives from the NPMHU Negotiations Team and the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) met for the first session of main table bargaining at Postal Service Headquarters in Washington, DC.  Both groups entered into the meeting with sincere optimism for positive and productive negotiations in the coming sessions. The purpose of these meetings at this early stage of the proceedings is to introduce and explain all of the parties’ official bargaining proposals.

During this first substantive meeting, each side discussed their objectives and priorities.  The NPMHU and the Postal Service finalized the written ground rules governing this round of collective bargaining, the nature of the subcommittees and their respective leadership, and the best ways to facilitate an efficient and fruitful round of contract negotiations.

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