Sat. Mar 15th, 2025

‘NAPS Is Committed to a Vital, Sustainable and Vibrant Postal Service’

October 18, 2022


Following is the statement of NAPS President Ivan D. Butts at the Sept. 7, 2022, hearing before the House Oversight and Reform Subcommittee on Government Operations regarding postal performance, safety and mail security.

Chairman Connolly and members of the committee, thank you for inviting me to provide the views of the National Association of Postal Supervisors (NAPS) regarding postal performance and the safety and security of postal personnel, postal property and the mail.

My name is Ivan Butts. I have the honor of serving as president of NAPS, which represents approximately 48,000 supervisors, managers and postmasters employed by the U.S. Postal Service. NAPS members help ensure the high quality of the postal services American citizens expect and deserve.

Accompanying me is Butch Maynard who recently retired with the rank of captain from the U.S. Postal Police. He serves as president of NAPS Branch 51, which represents managerial-level members of the U.S. Postal Police.

Thank you for holding today’s hearing in Philadelphia, the home of our nation’s first Postmaster General, Benjamin Franklin. The venue of this hearing is a homecoming for me. My entire postal career, prior to being elected to NAPS national office, was in the Philadelphia area. I began my career as a distribution clerk machinist at the Southeastern Pennsylvania Management Sectional Center (MSC) and was promoted through a series of supervisory and management-level positions at the MSC and within the postal district encompassing Philadelphia.

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