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Maine mail carriers to rally to demand better management

December 15, 2022

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Mail carriers with the National Association of Letter Carriers Local 92 will be holding a rally to demand improvements to hiring practices, workplace safety and mail delivery Sunday, Dec. 18 at the U.S. Postal Service building on 125 Forest Avenue in Portland. NALC 92 mail carriers claim they have long struggled with understaffing and poor management decisions that have delayed mail delivery and created an unsafe working environment.

NALC 92 members say part of the problem is because USPS continues to prioritize Amazon parcels over first class mail, which takes much longer and is causing longer delays for standard mail deliveries.

“We want the mail delivered, but management needs to cease prioritizing parcels like Amazon packages over first-class mail,” Seitz added. “We can each deliver 4,000 pieces of mail or 150 parcels a day. It doesn’t make any sense to deliver one-twentieth of what we can normally deliver by piece. Morale among mail carriers is at an all-time low and many are quitting because they’re simply burned out. The status is no longer tenable. We demand change.”

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