JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — For almost eight months, Joe Daher has been staring into an empty mailbox. The Jacksonville resident, who lives near the St. Johns Town Center, hasn’t received any mail at his apartment complex since June.
Because of this, Daher has been forced to make weekly trips to the post office to collect his mail, but the trip to the post office is not just a quick stop.
For Daher, the inconvenience has gone beyond just a few missed letters.
“My renters and car insurance almost got canceled because they thought I changed addresses,” Daher explained. “I had to confirm I still lived here, and thank God I did that.”
Anthony Austin contacted the corporate office for the apartment complex and the U.S. Postal Service for more information. The corporate office explained that the mailboxes were replaced in June, and they are still waiting for the Postal Service to provide the necessary locks.
The U.S. Postal Service provided a statement that reads, in part: “Currently, the condition of the mail receptacle does not allow for secure delivery of mail. In these cases, access is temporarily restricted for the safety of our customers. Local postal officials are aware and have taken the appropriate steps to address the situation as quickly as possible.”
However, no timeline was provided for the completion of repairs, with officials stating that it depends on the availability of locks.