Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

Hatch Act refresher – Here are do’s, don’ts for postal employees

September 25, 2023


With election season around the corner, USPS is reminding employees of the do’s, don’ts and not-while-in-uniform rules of the Hatch Act, which limits political activity among the federal workforce.

Postal Service employees may engage in the following activities while off duty, not in uniform, not in a Postal Service vehicle, and not on USPS or other federal property:

• Register and vote as they choose;

• Asist in voter registration drives;

• Express opinions about candidates and issues;

• Be a candidate or participate in nonpartisan elections in which no candidate representing a political party is running;

• Contribute money to political campaigns, parties and partisan political groups; and

• Place signs on their personal property, though the signs cannot be in view while videoconferencing for work.

Postal Service employees may never:

• Engage in fundraising — soliciting, collecting or receiving funds — for a partisan political party, candidate for partisan political office or partisan political group;

• Host, sell tickets or invite anyone to a political fundraiser;

• Use their title or position or wear their uniform or any item identifying USPS or their position while engaged in political activity;

• Invite subordinate employees to political events or encourage their involvement in political activity; or

• Be a candidate in a partisan election (where any candidates are running in affiliation with a political party).

While on duty, in uniform, in a postal vehicle or on postal or other federal property, USPS employees may not:

• Distribute, share or post political or campaign materials;

• Wear partisan political buttons, shirts, hats and the like;

• Post, like, tweet or retweet partisan political content;

• Place a partisan political bumper sticker on a vehicle delivering mail; or

• Express opinions at work that are directed at the success or failure of a political party, candidate for partisan political office or partisan political group.

The U.S. Office of Special Counsel has more information about what federal employees can and cannot do under the Hatch Act.

• Employees can also email the USPS Ethics Office for guidance.

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