Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

Great-grandmother says postal worker saved her life after refrigerator fell on top of her

September 19, 2023


AKRON, Ohio (WOIO) – An Akron great-grandmother told 19 News she owes everything to a postal worker.

A few weeks ago, 89-year-old Betty Rucker went to her fridge to get some fruit. Somehow in the process, the entire refrigerator came crashing down on top of her.

“I was terrified,” Rucker said. “It was coming right at me, and I thought it was gonna really squish my head. I went backwards into the floor, and I could only smell the pickles and the olives because that’s what broke, and I had dill juice running down my back.”

The Akron great-grandmother lives in her apartment alone.

She usually has home attendants with her, but the catastrophe happened while she was waiting for her other aid to arrive.

“I don’t think I’ve ever been more scared when I looked up and that freezer part was coming off in my face,” she said.

Pinned underneath the refrigerator and unable to move, Rucker started screaming for help.

“I could scream pretty loud and when you’re more scared you yell louder,” she said.

Thankfully a USPS worker delivering the mail heard her cries.

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