Mon. Feb 24th, 2025

From delayed mail to package scanning, 5 USPS facilities in Georgia were found with issues

February 24, 2025


Some of the mail facilities in Georgia have some serious work to do.

The U.S. Postal Service recently released the audit reports on five facilities in the middle Georgia area

Macon Local Processing Center

Issues with delayed mail (20,895 letters), scan compliance, late/canceled/extra outbound trips (total of 46.1% of trips), and safety/security. Recommendations:

  1. Develop a plan to better align mail arrival and processing times.
  2. Train all mail processing employees on proper handling procedures for mail entering the facility and verify these procedures are consistently followed.
  3. Train management employees on how to use the Mail Arrival Quality/Plant Arrival Quality system to report improper package sortation or other arrival issues.
  4. Complete a review of Postal Vehicle Service transportation schedules including updated truck parking information and verify related actions are implemented.
  5. Develop and implement a plan to verify scanning is consistently completed.
  6. Update the Mail Transport Equipment Labeler system to ensure placards used for mail transport equipment and recyclable material are accurate.
  7. Reiterate policy and verify all drivers are using wheel chocks.

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Gray Main Post Office

Issues with delayed mail (1,176 pieces), package scanning, arrow keys, and property conditions (blocked fire extinguisher and electrical panel, missing fire extinguisher inspections, etc.). Recommendations:

Perry Administrative Post Office

Issues with delayed mail (831 pieces), arrow keys, property conditions (blocked doors, inoperable lights, etc.), and CDS badges.

Warner Robins Main Post Office

Issues with delayed mail (28,135 pieces), package scanning, arrow keys, property conditions (fire extinguishers missing inspections), and separation of packages.

Zebulon Branch, Macon

Issues with delayed mail (8,853 pieces), package scanning, arrow keys, property conditions (no sign posted at employee parking lot stating vehicles may be subject to search), and separation of packages.

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