On August 2, 2024, a package was thrown over the fence across the grass. And on Jan. 10 of this year, in the middle of winter, five packages were thrown over the fence onto the snow-covered front lawn.
“He obviously doesn’t even care to even, you know, try to be at least somewhat respectful,” said Mildner.
Mildner said she has sent more than five complaints to the United States Postal Service since 2022 about the mail carrier’s package delivery technique in front of her Canaryville two-flat.
“He knows that these complaints are being filed, especially if they’re telling me, ‘Oh, we’ve had a talk with him,'” Mildner said. “So if they’re actually having talks with him, then he knows these complaints are coming through and so, like I said, at this point, I think he just doesn’t care because he knows he can get away with it.”
Mildner said packages for her downstairs neighbors might also have been thrown over the front fence.